InBody S10

InBody S10
Designed for use with people who are immobile or have amputated limbs, the InBody S10 features attachable electrodes and swivel casters for accurate, convenient, and non-invasive body composition and body water analysis. Get double the outputs with standard data like Percent Body Fat and Skeletal Muscle Mass, plus a Result Sheet just for body water analysis and advanced metrics like Whole Body Phase Angle.
Measure body composition and body water while the examinee is laying down. Auto-calibrated, easy-to-use, and non-invasive, testing is simple and convenient—just attach the electrodes to the examinee.
No Empirical Estimations
No empirical estimations based on age, sex, ethnicity, or body type. Instead, Direct Segmental Multi-Frequency BIA technology measures body segments separately for an accurate analysis based on your unique body.
Comprehensive Outputs
Get vital body composition outputs for evaluating overall health and wellness and a specialized Result Sheet for body water analysis. Draw more insights from exclusive metrics like Visceral Fat Area and Whole Body Phase Angle, track progress, validate programs, and deliver actionable advice backed by research-grade data.
Portable Analysis
Move the InBody S10 on its swivel casters for convenient testing in different rooms in your facility. Thanks to a compact space-efficient design, you can easily position the device exactly where you need it.